Reading is one of the greatest and most inexpensive gifts we can give ourselves. I know for me I have grown so much through my habit of reading personal development books.
What's better than a good book? Discussing it with like minded individuals. Almost every single client I work with has asked for book recommendations so I wanted to create a space where we can read (or not) and learn together.
We are going to stay committed to reading personal development books on a monthly basis! This will help build accountability into our self-development as well as learn actionable insights to implement into our lives. I am calling it Bookish because you may want to join but don't have time to read that week and that is A-OK. Join us anyways!
We will meet on Zoom every other Thursday at 12:00 CT and discuss the book. Sessions will be recorded and posted in a facebook group for those who can't make it live! I'll lead off with my insights, open up for you to share and end with actionable tasks for us to work on till next time.
I want this to be a community as I know we all come from different backgrounds and can provide different view points.
Begins Thursday, October 1 at 12:00 CT via zoom!
Email me at to be added to the list.