Paying Attention to the Little Freak outs

Man, you ever get taken down by something so simple you're almost embarrassed to admit it?  Insert me raising my hand.

Yesterday my keyboard went out and I had to borrow Katie's Norwegian one until I can find a new one. Felt pretty proud of myself for thinking of it as an option and got to work then couldn't figure out how to type a ?.

Yes you read that right, a ?.

Up to the point I had an A + day. I watched the DNC, had a good workout and a successful in person meeting but in that moment I felt a shift. I was frustrated and felt derailed.  

It was more than not just being able to type a ? and I knew it.

It was feeling like I was behind.

It was feeling the overwhelm of an already too packed day.

It was wondering if I would be able to get this email out.

It was worrying if I was doing enough.

Ya'll our minds can spiral so quickly especially in unprecedented times like this.

Don't discount these moments as just a silly, overreaction. Stop and take an inventory of what is at work underneath. Let them be warning signs that there is something else you need to address.

Are you tired? Are you scared? Are you overwhelmed?

Are you all of the above?

For me it was getting past the superficial frustration of a keyboard to the root of the factor, overwhelm. I was then able to look back on what I could have done better, not schedule so many items that require high energy on one day, and what I could do at that moment. A good ole 24 minute cat nap.

*please ignore all typos. sent from a Norwegian keyboard*

Holly Krivo Signature
Paying Attention to the Little Freak outs

Ya'll our minds can spiral so quickly especially in unprecedented times like this.